Thank you for your humanity!

Since the beginning of war in Ukraine, millions of people had to leave their homes, thousands of schools, hospitals, organisations and businesses found their buildings destroyed or without electric power.

Right now, in January, the temperature is well below 0c in Ukraine! Many adults and children are freezing inside their acomodations, in the dark.

We work on helping people in what is probably the most difficult situation of their lives by giving a gift of light, warmth, electric power to them.

We donate money ourselves and ask you to join us by donating, privately or from your business account.

All money received (minus any bank fees) are being used to buy electric generators, batteries, and send them to those in need in Ukraine.

This is a non-profit initiative. We do not take any administrative fees and simply want to help people and give YOU an opportunity to help too.

We are grateful for your humanity!

