Engine purchased for evacuation vehicle
Light4Ukraine purchases a new engine for an evacuation vehicle. Please donate to help us help more people and save more lives!
Not just energy and power, but water
Our volunteers delivery not just electric power but also water to those in need in Ukraine. This is just one of those trips, of many, where 600L of water was purchased and then delivered over the weekend.
6kW generator purchased and is being delivered by Light4Ukraine!
Very happy to see how our initiative materialises and how the first generator is being loaded into the car and is about to be delivered to those who need it most. 6kW Petrol (25L tank) 230V 76KG beast  The cost was €1,150 More light and energy for Ukraine to be delivered!
How some people have to cook and dine in Ukraine
This is how some people have to cook food and dine in Ukraine, without electric power or sometimes without gas too. And without proper heating by the way. Dining table may look romantic with all the candles but it is only a necessity and nothing else.  This is why Light4Ukraine is working on sourcing and delivering generators and batteries to those in need in Ukraine!
1st generator is being purchased for Ukraine!
We have paid for the first generator to be sent to Ukraine! It is a mid-range beast that will be giving electrich power, light, and warmth to the people in need.  Photos and more detailed reports to follow soon!